Rebekkah was a little disgruntled as she sat at the airport gate waiting for the flight\'s arrival. Once again, it seemed Christian was passing a duty that he should be doing himself off onto her - like she didn\'t have a busy enough schedule of her own?

And yet admittedly, she was more than a little curious, having caught herself staring at Bryan\'s picture several times over the past months that she and Christian had been living together. What a contrast they were - Christian - her blonde God (in her eyes), slight of build, ever-changing hazel eyes, gentle of demeanour and Bryan - with his chiseled features and Irish good looks, black hair and piercing bright green eyes, the penultimate \hell raiser\ according to Chris. Just thinking of them together (well, not really \together\) made her squirm a little in her seat.

But there were times too, over the past months, when she thought that if she heard the words \when Bryan and I were at college together.\ one more time, she would scream. She too, had friends from her past, but Chris\' intrigue with Bryan seemed almost obsessive.

She was certain that she knew every story about them by heart. From the time Bryan broke Mrs. McNeill\'s window with a baseball and blamed the time they picked up and bedded the twins from the bar they frequented. But Chris, it seemed, never tired of talking about \the good ole days\.

And now here she sat, waiting for Bryan\'s flight from Dublin, her palms damp, her heart racing. But airports had a tendency to do that to her anyway. Always the emotional one, crying at both arrivals AND departures.

She caught herself checking out her own appearance in the waiting room window. She tried to convince herself that she would\'ve taken equal care with herself to pick ANYONE up, but deep in her tummy, she knew it was because Bryan was Christian\'s oldest and dearest friend (and a might fine looking one at that) and the fact that she wanted to make an especially good impression on him (and hence on Christian - as she was always striving for Chris\' approval).

The announcement came over the loudspeaker: \Announcing the arrival of Air Canada Flight 103 from Toronto at Gate B\. That was his flight. She knew he would be exhausted after almost a full day of flying. First from Dublin to Toronto where he would\'ve had to clear Customs and then, with only a few moments to spare, boarding the direct flight to Calgary. She didn\'t really know what to expect. She expected him to be weary-eyed, bedraggled and barely able to function, let alone carry on intelligent conversation.

She stood, smoothed the lines of the straight, ankle-length dark denim skirt she had chosen to wear, turned to make sure the high slit in the back was straight, pressed down a wrinkle in her tight red jersey knit top and fluffed her hair with her fingertips. She walked over to where the passengers would come through and waited for Bryan. She laughed to herself when her eyes misted up watching grandparents greet their grandkids, friends greet friends and lovers greet lovers.

She was still standing there, a silly grin plastered on her face when she saw him walk through the double doors. She did a double-take and swallowed hard. \Bedraggled, my ass\, she thought to herself. \How can it be that he has traveled nearly all day and still looks as though he\'s walked straight out of the pages of GQ?\

His eyes seemed to capture her immediately.the glaring green meeting the almost-black ones. He quickened his place straight over to her, wrapped her in his arms and swung her in a circle. \ last!\, calling her by one of Chris\' playful nicknames in his lilting Irish brogue. \Where\'s the big guy?\, he asked as he looked around.

She just stared at him.captivated not only by his mere presence, but by the gorgeous accent (which have always held a certain appeal for her). Clearing her throat and regaining some semblance of composure she managed to stutter out \ummmmm.well.uhhhhh unfortunately Christian got called into work with an.ummmmmm.emergency so he sent me in his place. He at the house by the time we get there\, thinking to herself \nice one Bekk, you babbling idiot!\ and blushed furiously.

He didn\'t seem the least bit taken aback by her reaction, simply smiled, swung an arm over her shoulders and said \then point me in the right direction, Ms. Chauffeur\.

After retrieving his bags from the carousel, they headed to the car and she found she needed a moment to collect herself to try to remember where she lived. \This is nuts\, she thought. \You have truly lost your marbles, girlfriend\. Bryan looked over at her and gave her knee a squeeze \did you say something, mavourneen?\ he asked quizzically. Stammering again, her cheeks a deep crimson \Nooooo.ummmmmm.just.uhhhh.I seem to have forgotten where I\'ve put the change for the.ummmm parking\, she forced out with a tight little grin, hoping and praying that he wouldn\'t think her a total freak. Fortunately, she had put the change in one of the drink holders so it was a fairly plausible explanation and she pulled out of the garage without further incident.

Because of the beauty and splendour of the scenery, the majestic Rocky Mountains in the distance, there wasn\'t much need for small-talk during the 20-minute drive (for which she was extremely thankful), other than pointing out the occasional landmark which she could do almost robotically because she had had many visitors over the years.

She made a mental note that Bryan was an extremely \touchy feely\ person, touching her arm or her leg whenever he asked a question or wanted to emphasize a point. She couldn\'t help feeling that wherever he touched, an almost burning tingle was left behind. But then again, no one but Christian had touched her in such a very long time, she chalked it up to it being simply a new sensation.

\Finally\, she muttered, as she pulled into the driveway of her townhouse complex, feeling quite awkward and not really comprehending why. \Well, Bryan, there\'s no place like home and for the next few days.mia casa sue casa, as the saying goes\, trying to keep everything lighthearted but hearing a hoarseness of her a voice that surely couldn\'t be hers.

She lead the way to their townhouse - and then she saw him - her Christian, waiting at the door. A wave of calmness immediately fell over her; just the mere sight of him could do that. He enveloped her in a tight hug and whispered \I\'m sorry I made you go by yourself, baby\, using the playful pet name he knew would make her blood boil. He bent to kiss her cheek. Rebekkah smiled softly and murmured \Twasn\'t a great hardship, Mast.errrrr.Christian\, catching herself quickly. He raised his eyebrows at the apologetic stammer, but knew why and winked at her. \I believe you two know each other\, she laughed playfully stepping aside to let the dynamics of the \reunion\ take over.

She stood back and admired the beauty of the complete opposites as the \two men suddenly turned boys\ embraced and her mind started to wander. \Ohhhhhhh, this is gonna be ONE interesting weekend\, she thought to herself, then widened her eyes as she realized what she was thinking.

Things had been quiet around the office as of late. I went through the usual post-coital feelings of immense guilt that had accompanied me after every girl I had snagged in college. Imagine bounding into work the next day and seeing your boss, as unsexy as she was the night before, on the phone, clicking on her keyboard, her glasses down to the end of her nose, immersed in work, the computer screen illuminating every wrinkle on her forehead.

EW! I thought to myself. I fucked a 53 year old woman! It felt like the morning after gulping down too many fruit cocktails. It was icky, And it was SO perverted. Undercover of night the desire can make your loins raw with hunger. In the plain daylight it makes you feel like a freak or sex crazed vampire.

I hoped that she would keep it a secret from the other co-workers, or would she? Did all the other women know? How could I tell. Was that on everyone\'s minds? \'Peter fucked Anne, how gross? Peter fucked anne why not me?\'

What the hell was going on? Suddenly Mr. Young and In Control was Mr. Without a Fucking Clue.

The worst was that she had grown kids my age that once in awhile popped their heads in the office. How weird was it to say hi to her son, knowing that I had fucked his mother in the very hole he was born out of.

It just didn\'t seem right. I, I had determined, had significant problems.

Anne was playing like nothing had happened. Maybe she thought she dreamed it.

At first I felt totally ashamed and repulsed by her. I kept in my cubicle, she said in hers. I wanted to have nothing to do with her. But I decided to be mature and play like nothing had happened too and try to put it behind me. And so we went on with our ho hum lives, I with a little less swagger in my step, her with a little less advice to give.

After a week or two my old style began to return. I felt pretty desperate again and the old fantasies about Anne would rekindle themselves at night. I would stroke myself and think about how it felt to suck on her clit and hear her moan. It was deeply erotic. I started warming to the idea of giving her another chance. And after all - she owned me a very BIG favor. Oh to watch her give it away. After 53 years, she must know how to suck a good cock.


Driving home in my car (fondling myself) after a hard day of work I received a telephone call. It was late autumn - cold out and I struggled to find that goddamn phone. I fumbled it out of my jacket and it fell on the floor and I picked it up and then I saw that it was her number. \'Oh shit\' I thought - my stomach sank into a pit. \'Don\'t be a little boy\' I said to myself. \'Just pick up the phone!\' So I did,


\'Hi Peter, it\'s Anne.\'

\'I know\' I said in the dry tone that was our cynical, detached staple. She chuckled.

\'Listen I have some work I need you to do by the end of this week and it\'s really important. Jesse just called me and told me that he can\'t do it because he\'s tied up with other things. Do you think you ca add it on to your work pile?\'

Without hesitating I said \'yes.\' The truth is I had plenty of things to do, but, always wanting to please my boss, I always said yes, without question. I was, in essence. A pushover.

At the same time I was a bit mad at her. Who the fuck was this lady that lets some 20 year old guy fuck her give her the cold shoulder and then hangs him out to dry. Was this all an easy game for her. She always seemed so distant. But at the same time she was NO babe. What was going through her mind?

\'So can you pick up the work now?\' she asked.

\'Huh?\' I responded.

\'You need to get a crack at it now,\' she said in an unusually demanding voice.

\'Come by my place and pick it up.\'

Dead silence.

\'You want me to come by now?\' I said, idiotically.

\'Yes,\' she said calm but firmly. \'It\'s REALLY important, I want you to take a look at it tonight.\'


For the first time in my life, I was scared. Scared shitless. That old bitch wanted my cock back, and she was going to get it - whether I liked it or not. So I agreed to give it to her. But this time I wouldn\'t be so generous.

\'So where do you live.?\ I asked.

She proceeded to give me instructions as I drove on.


Anne\'s house was situated at the end of a road in a more rural part of the semi-large town we worked in.

There were lots of trees which looked rather spooky at this time of the year, and I have to say everything seemed a bit ghoulish as I drove to her house. The smoke from the back of my car dissipated into the mist, and the only light was that from my headlights, and the occasional window.

Inside so many I could see people curled up watching TV, leading free and normal lives. People who didn\'t fuck their boss, and weren\'t about to eat a 53 year old vagina.

I found the mailbox number and turned and bumped my way to he rather small cottage at the end of a long driveway. Neighboring dogs filled the air with howls and barks. My hands felt cold. My dick might as well have been shrink wrapped. I might as well have been about to get teeth drilled I was so anxious.

I walked through the crisp air to her door and rang the door bell.

The dogs in the background barked louder. I got colder. Finally the door creeped open and Anne stood in the doorway as I towered over her looking down.

\'So, where\'s the work?\' I said matter of factly.

\Not so fast Casanova,\ she said in her depressed clipped way, and managed a little grin.

\Get in here.\

I know most guys would then strip her down, fuck her in the ass, come in her face, and get the hell out of there, but I was not at the moment, one of those guys. This was too real for me.

Anne\'s house was small but comfy. Photos of her grown children, all in college, adorned the piano in her living room. Like all educated women she had a study, and a cozy kitchen that didn\'t look like it was used much.

\Are you hungry?\ she asked in a motherly tone.

\Nah, not really, but thanks,\ I responded. Anne wore a cute pair of overalls that showed off her enormous rack pretty well. She looked clean, and, in the darkness, rather girlish.

\Well that\'s too bad,\ she said, \because I made you dinner.\

Realizing that this was just going to get worse if I didn\'t open up and take it like a man, I asked youthfully (and nervous as hell) \we\'ll what\'s for dinner?\

She showed me.

Anne was an all American gal ands he had prepared an All American feast. Roast chicken, potatoes, string beans. It was wholesome, and it smelled pretty good. So we sat down to eat in her dark little kitchen with a little light and we began to make small talk.

\So how old are your sons?\ I began uncomfortably.

\Billy is 26,\ she answered. \He\'s the oldest.\

\Chris is 19, he just entered the Navy.\

How did it occur that I was fucking an older woman who had a grown son older than me?

My stomach squeezed in anxiety.

\So, um, tell me about yourself?\ I said as she poured me a very tall glass of red wine.

\Well I went to Wesleyan,\ she said.\in the 70s\

The 70s? How fucking long ago was that? \I taught English for a few years before I had Billy, then I went back and got my master\'s in.\

Her life read like a boring curriculum vitae. It was good though to bide the time before I could get out of that creepy place. Let\'s make it clear, I DID not want to fuck Billy\'s Mom again. Ever.

But she kept on, and turned the conversation back to me.

\So, what do you want to do with your life?\

It was like our first interview all over again. Originally I had said I wanted to be in PR or advertising like her. But this time I had enough red wine that I could only tell the truth.

\I have no fucking idea,\ I said.

\Oh come on Peter, you have a lot of potential,\ she said.

\Oh come on - no I don\'t\ I answered back cynically.

\Yes you do,\ she went on like she was my guidance counselor. \You are a gifted writer, you have really good people skills,\ she said. \and.\ she paused, looking unsure of herself.

\you have a beautiful cock.\

By this point I was so nervous, and so tipsy that I just said nothing.I didn\'t know what to say. How do you respond to that.

She touched my arm and wouldn\'t let go.

\Calm down sweety,\ she said in the warmest gentlest way.

\I\'ll make this easy on you.\

Anne slid her hands down to my nether region which had grown softer and warmer with every sip of red wine and begin to push my thighs apart. I tried touching her back, but I let her do what she wanted to do. She was by far more in control than I was.

She guided my chair into a position facing away from the table and got down on her knees while still massaging my lap and gently probing my penis which warmly filled with blood. It felt so innocent, like the first erections I had, and it ballooned underneath my blue jeans as she rubbed and looked up at me.

She had this wicked grin on her face - a mischievous catty grin. She looked like she loved rubbing my cock more than anything in the world. It was self righteous and a bit arrogant. She owned me and she knew it.

I watched her short aging hands touch me and unbuckle my belt, and unzip me and I lifted my hips silently as she yanked my jeans down around my ankles and Finally wrested my shaft from my soft linen boxers into her tiny hands.

Her cold blue eyes seemed alite with desire. Her lips seemed fuller. She looked younger.

\You know all the women in the office want you\ she said matter of factly.

\But I am the only one who will get you. Because I am the boss\ she said.

I let out a soft sigh of impending satisfaction in reponse.

With that final word and fiery look she began to gorge her small mouth on my long brown member, all the while looking up at me. I thought about how she must have looked when she was 17, in the back of a car in some conservative outfit, sucking off her first boyfriend after a high school football game, or how tight her old box must have been as her college english professor eased his ancient cock inside of this young specimine.

Now things had come full circle. I was the student and she was the teacher and she was relishing my youthfulness as much as she could.

Few women would let on, but the truth is many of them love nothing more about sex than feeling a warm cock in their mouth, their heads arched in accomodation - they know how powerful they are, and I felt as powerless.

I pumped my hips lightly as the head of my cock passed her lips into her mouth.

I ran my hands through her hair, and she kept at the rhythm and the suction. She was so gentle but applied her wet pressure to my shaft as she kneeded my balls in her hand and tickled the area between my anus and my testicles, looking up at me or closing here eyes in concentration.

Images passed through my mind of me fucking her the first time, of every pussy I\'d evertasted. I thought of who else wanted to fuck me and how powerful I would feel to make them all suck it like Anne was doing. I thought about her boys and how they\'d like to see their mom suck my big cock.

I thought about her huge tits, how big they were, how pink the nipples must be. I had never seen them, only felt them, and I imagine each one in my mouth as she slurped away in her loose warm mouth, sucking her young stud like the pro that she was. Beads of sweat rolled down my temple and back. Her hands guided me into her mouth as I pumped a bit harder.

The immense load of cum that sat under pressure in the bottom of my organ began to work its way up until I kept it under pressure and grabbed her head tighter, thrusting myself in her head in wild abandon. The spurts of semen began to spray out as I suddenly became very firm and still. Every muscle contracted in my body and I dug my feet into the wooden floor as larger bursts of cum shot out of my cock into Anne\'s warm mouth as she kept up her pressure and suckage, her head sweaty, her bangs in her face, her hands wet with spunk and saliva from her own throat.

I let out the deepest of moans and relaxed into my chair as the rest of my youth drizzled out of my gun into Anne\'s throat.

The kitchen suddenly reappeared out of the swirling black. there were chairs, and a table with food on it. And there was Anne, face down, pulling in big gusts of humid sex filled air.finally reaching up grabbing the wine glass and gulping down the red liquid to clear her throat.

Not knowing what to do I laughed a hideous shriek of sensuous joy.

\Well.\ I said looking at her, out of breath.

\I believe I returned the favor\ she said dryly with a twitch of her nose.


Later after we had cleaned up and drank several refreshing glasses of water Anne got back down to business, like she always did.

\So here\'s your new assignment\ she said.

\Shoot,\ I responded

\There\'s a new intern coming in\ she said. \Her name is Alison, she\'s an 19 year old kid thinking about a career in advertising. Your job is to train her\

\Train her\ I said, puzzled by the notion.

\We are TOO busy to do it ourselves,\ Anne continued. \She needs someone to supervise her, and you can be her direct contact, while I keep an eye on both of you.\

\Sounds easy enough\ I said without considering the innuendo.

\Well, just remember what i told you before,\ said Anne.

\What, that I have a beautiful cock,\ I responded with a kidding elbow in her side.

\Shut up,\ she said. \I\'m the boss,\ she said ironically. \and you will do everything I tell you to do to train her,\ she said in a faux mysterious tone.


As much as I didn\'t, I knew I would do whatever Anne told me to do. She had so much dirt on me and there was no turning back. Whatever Anne wanted for this 19 year old girl named Alison, Anne was going to get.

It was a cold and dreary winter night. I was snuggled in bed. I was alone, as my parents and my brother Brad had gone out for my sister Lisas graduation. I had been depressed ever since Raoul my Spanish boyfriend had dumped me and I was in no mood for any celebration. I thought I hard some noise on the ground floor of our large house. I got off my bed and stumbled down the hallway down the stairs towards the door. I opened the main door but so no one there. Fumbling for the light switch I closed the door. When I flipped the switch nothing happened. I turned to go up to my room as I secured the bolt on the door. Suddenly I felt something blocking my way. I quickly pressed the button at the side of the door which would immediately set off the alarms at the offices of Thomson and Willis, the Private Investigators hired by my fathers firm and the local cop station. My father was a famous scientist and doing some very important work for the Government and was on the hit list of some nations. I hoped help would come sooner than later. Before I could figure out what was blocking my way, my wrists were pinned together against my chest and a hand covered my mouth. A split second before panic set in he spoke, \ Stay calm and quiet and you\'ll enjoy what is about to happen to you.\ I was startled and started sweating though it was chilly.

The voice was almost a whisper as a gag replaced the hand over my mouth quicker than I could say anything much less scream for help. I was only in a sleeveless nightie and my cleavage was showing. His face was masked as I got used to the light.

He had pinned my hands back against the door and my arms were raised. I have never shaved my armpits or at least in the past five years as Raoul wanted me to stay hairy. I have lots of hair in my underarms obviously five years of bushy growth. Rauol loved my armpit hair and the rest of my hirsute body and I did everything to please me.

The masked man stared at me and he expressed his surprise at my unshaven underarms My what a hairy woman. You have more hair in your underarms than most men bitch and I like your bushy armpits. I felt exposed, my ass up in the air covered only by my panties and bordered by my garter belt. I gasped as the masked intruder ripped off my panties. He dug his fingers under my flimsy nightie and pulled off my panties and exposed my bushy pubic mound.

I felt him reach between my legs and then he unbuckled his belt, his hand slid down my ass into my hairy asshole as he unzipped his pants. I tried to struggle as I felt his cock press against my ass but the forearm on my shoulders held me firmly in place. He did not speak and in the total darkness, I could see nothing much. He reached between my legs and tugged at the crisp wild untangled hair rowing in my furry mound. My pubic hair has always been were thick and never been trimmed. Even when I wore panties the dense thicket of pubic hair would stick out from the top and sides of my panties. It covered less and exposed more of my pubic hair. He pushed his fingers into my dry pussy and I felt my body tingle much to my annoyance. Darned that bastard Raoul who had made me crave for cock. The stranger cock appeared to be very large as I felt the shaft press against me. Soon I was a little wet as he lubricated the lips of my pussy then reached between them and coated his cock. He pushed me down on the carpet my hands still pinned above my heads and suddenly the head of his cock was inside my pussy, another stroke and he was completely inside me.

A couple of slow full length strokes followed then, he slammed deep inside me. I tried to resist but to no avail. With each stroke he banged me harder and deeper, I could only lay there unable to move. Despite the circumstances, I felt something stirring inside me. Without warning, an orgasm swept over me. Fighting for air through the gag the moans that escaped me betrayed the fact that my body had been racked with pleasure. He knew what was going through me even as his massive cock invaded my hairy pussy. Even though I knew he had felt my orgasm he didn\'t slow down. Suddenly he pulled his cock out of my bushy pussy, and placed the head of his rock hard cock against the hairy opening of my ass and held it there while he applied more lubricant.

I groaned as the head slipped into my ass, he was almost gentle as he worked more and more of himself into me until his cock was completely inside my ass. He was no longer forcing me and I was now enjoying his forceful entry. He began pounding his cock in and out of my hairy ass. Harder and faster with each stroke he continued. He removed my gag as he probably felt I was no longer resisting and I began to scream uncontrollably in ecstasy. He pounded my ass even harder and faster, as my orgasm washed over me wave after wave and I felt his hot cum deep inside me ass.

\Damn girl you feel so good.\ His big rough hands moved over my breasts, and to my shame my nipples were already swollen and tight even as he brushed his hand in the dense jungle in my hairy armpits. He sure liked my bushy armpits as he lovingly twirled the hair in my unshaven underarms. He did something to the knob and the lights came on. I then saw the weapon, which had raped me.

My god, it had to be 12 inches long, and it was thick too. He smiled when he saw me staring at it. \You want this in your pussy or in your mouth you hairy slut?\ he asked. He stroked it with one big hand, and it throbbed even larger.He moved up even farther until his cock was right in front of my face. He slapped me with it, and laughed. \Suck it you hairy horny bitch, He said. I kept my mouth closed though I really wanted to suck his enlarged prick. I didnt want to show I was lusting for it. He pried my lips open and shoved his cock down my throat. I wanted to gag, or to bite it, but I couldn\'t seem to do anything but lie there, as I tasted his salty pre-cum drip into my mouth. He balls slapped against my chin as he fucked my face.

When he\'d had enough of my mouth, He moved away and he pulled off his shirt. I have always had a fetish for hairy men and this masked man was excessively hairy. His chest was covered with a thick mat of jet-black hair, which ran down to his crotch and from where jutted his fiery engine, which was big and thick.

He took his cock out of my mouth and shoved his cock into my now soaking pussy. Holding my legs down with his he rammed his cock into me again and again. I felt his heavy balls smack against my sore ass. I began fucking him back. His mouth moved into the matted hair in my bushy armpits. Aaaaahhhhhhhh I love the hair in your unshaven underarms its so long and so thick he groaned. Was I being raped or was I being pleasured. I wrapped my legs around his body as we fucked harder and harder. I wanted to rape this hairy monster. The lips of my pussy pulled him deeper into me. I could feel myself tighten inside, ready to cum. He thrust again, and again into me. I could feel his body tensing up. He grunted, and I felt him shoot himself up into me. His hot cum filled my cunt as he buried himself deep in my belly. Right then I came, the muscles inside my pussy clenching tightly at him, as the rest of his cum dripped from his still hard cock.

Suddenly I heard a siren as the masked man left quickly his prick still exposed. It was the machine my father had installed in the house, which had triggered off the siren at the office of Thomson and Willis Private Dicks and they were here with the cops. I knew the private dicks well they had come before and I had nicknamed them the harried Dicks ad now in my almost nude state showing my hairy body they could easily be Haired Dicks but the cops would a problem

Joyce and I had dated all through high school. We were married in the summer after my sophomore year in college. She was only a year younger than I, but she was a hundred years wiser.

My name is Oliver Winkler. I\'m thirty six years old, five feet ten inches tall and about a hundred and sixty pounds. Joyce and I have two children, Kathy, fourteen and John twelve. We live in a quiet suburb near St. Paul.

I loved Joyce from the moment I first saw her. She was totally beautiful, at five feet four inches and a hundred and twenty pounds. After I met her, I dated only her. I had never slept with another woman. She was a virgin when we got married and has stayed true to me through the years.

When I came home from work on Friday she was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

\Hi, honey. Where are the kids?\

\Kathy is at ballet practice and John is playing baseball,\ she informed me with a sly grin on her face.

\So, I\'ve got you all to myself,\ I snickered with an evil leer on my lips.

\Yes you do sir. You\'re not going to take advantage of me are you?\ she asked in her best little girl voice.

\I think you\'re going to take advantage of me,\ I whispered in her ear.

Shutting off the stove, she turned around and gave me a deep, tongue filled, lover\'s kiss. \Okay, if you insist!\ she grinned.

I picked her up and carried her to our bedroom. \I need a shower,\ I said.

\Oh goody! Can I help?\ she giggled.

She helped me take off my clothes and kissed my cock as soon as it appeared out of my boxers. I stripped her bare and licked her pussy. We hurried into the bathroom. I stepped under the hot spray and she stepped in behind me. I felt my back being soaped up. I turned and started soaping her tits. Her nipples were immediately hard. I rubbed some soap into her belly and scrubbed her arm pits. Then I slowly dragged my soapy fingers across her pussy. She twitched when I soaped her clit.

She had my cock in a death grip and was soaping my balls. She let go of my dick and soaped my armpits. We rinsed each other off and stepped out of the shower to dry.

As I dried her pussy, I licked it, worshipping at her altar. She giggled and tousled my hair. \Let\'s go to bed1\ she squeaked excitedly.

I loved making love to Joyce. She had everything a man could ever ask for. She was beautiful, bright and a terrific lover. I got an erection every time I thought of her. Is that unusual for people who have been married as long as we have? I didn\'t know and I didn\'t care. She had me totally in her power.

I swept her off her feet and carried her to our king size bed. She lay supine in the middle of the sheet, panting lightly, her eyes wide with anticipation, a light sheen of sweat developing on her naked body.

I slowly parted her thighs and looked upon the place I had seen so many times before. Even after two children and years of love, her pussy looked just like it did the first time I saw it at our lake side honeymoon so long ago. She moaned a little as I gently licked her slit. Ambrosia! Her pussy was ambrosia. I took her clit between my teeth and bit it lightly. Her hips swung into immediate action. I placed my lips around it and sucked. I licked the tip of it. She was bucking off the bed like a rodeo bull.

\Now, John! Please do it now!\ she begged.

I slid my cock into her vagina. It was still nice and tight and it was pulsating. Her pussy was magic. I loved everything about it. How it looked, how it smelled, how it tasted and how it worked. And I loved the woman it was attached to. As I stroked into her I still couldn\'t believe my good fortune.

\Harder, John, faster, faster, please, please fuck me hard. Oh god, I love you!\ She panted her arms around my neck and her tits crushed to my chest.

I could feel her starting to tighten around me. She could do this quivering thing with her vagina that just drove me wild. \I\'m gonna cum! I\'m gonna cum now!\ I groaned.

\Give it all to me,\ she demanded. \Shoot me full. Unh, unh, unh, unh.I\'m cumming with you! Gimme it now!\

She bucked off the sheet, driving my cock deeply into her. Her breathing was ragged. \Oh, yes, yes, yes,\ she screamed as her climax overtook her.

My eyelids fluttered and I was lost in lust. I slammed my cock into her as far as I could and held it in her quivering pussy as I squirted my load of baby juice into her. Momentarily paralyzed, I held it within her until I could breathe again.

\Oh, John, that is so good! Is it good for you too?\

\Oh honey, it is always good for me and it always will be. Someday you\'re gonna kill me with that magical pussy of yours.\

I rolled off of her and my cock popped out. She gave a little disappointed sigh.

\I know honey. I would stay here and fuck you all night if we could. Ballet practice will be over soon and so will the ball game. Let\'s go get dinner ready and prepare for our hungry tribe.\

\Okay. One of these days, John, I\'m going to get you all to myself and then I\'ll screw you to death!\

\It\'s a date!\ I smiled. I kissed her again and felt her up a little.

She moaned, \This ain\'t getting dinner done.\

\Yeah, I know,\ I replied wistfully.

Somehow my own hand found the edge of my dress and I pulled it up until my own pussy was visible while I looked around to make sure no one was watching. Kristy immediately looked down and licked her lips playing with her pussy.

\Oh god this is so crazy we could get in so much trouble.\ I whispered to her.

\Don\'t worry Mom, one can see us.\

My own pussy was so wet! I ran my fingers down into my hole and sunk in two of them immediately feeling the pleasure of something inside, I still did not feel right with my daughter watching but couldn\'t stop. I leaned over and placed my elbow on top of the table with my hand over my face hiding it from anyone who might be looking at me from a distance, Kristy did the same. We both turned toward each other to be able to do this and each one of us placed a knee on the bench seat we sat on. From a distance it looked as if we were sitting close whispering to each other and the curved booth effectively hid the sides.

Kristy looked at me and down at my pussy which was now visible to her as was hers to me. Smiling she brought her wet hand up to her mouth while watching for my reactions. I think she saw my eyes widen. Her finger wavered really close to her parted lips and I saw droplets of moisture coating it. I watched her with wide eyes while playing with my pussy as she slowly touched her lips and traced her wet finger along them from side to side. Watching my daughter do this made me shiver and long for my own taste, but I knew I couldn\'t.not in front of her.

I think she was satisfied with me just watching. She reached down again and traced the lips of her pussy gathering more moisture. Again she brought the wet finger to her mouth, this time she put it in her mouth and wrapped her lips around it sucking her own pussy juices. Ohhh, she was such a little slut! The more she did it the more I longed to do the same especially feeling how much wetness I had stored between my legs. Watching her suck her fingers I pulled my hand up but caught myself just in time. No, I can\'t!

Kristy just smiled knowing how much I wanted to do the same. Again she moistened her finger with her pussy and sucked on it drinking her own wetness. She watched as I fidgeted in my seat watching her recognizing I wouldn\'t do it in front of her. Suddenly, grabbing my wrist, she pulled my hand from my pussy and slowly forced it up. Inch by inch my wet fingers were traveling towards my mouth as I tried to tell myself to stop her. It was no use, my hand was limp in her grasp as the inevitable approached.

Neither one of us spoke until my wet fingers reached my mouth, at that time a moan escaped my lips and Kristy pushed one of my wet fingers inside my mouth while watching it intently. My lips closed around it and so did my eyes, I sucked tasting myself in front of my daughter, I just couldn\'t stop this. When she let go of my wrist I opened my eyes and saw she was watching me, sucking on her own fingers. For some reason her expression changed from mischievous to serious and excited.

I reached down and pushed two fingers inside my pussy fucking myself, afraid to take them out and what I would do with them but the knowledge of what just happened kept eating at me and slowly won. I pulled my fingers out again and pushed them as deep into my mouth as I could nearly choking myself. I licked and sucked feeling my sexual excitement building up to that point of no control again, I no longer cared if my own daughter was watching this.

Again I went down on myself and put three fingers in fucking, making little whimpering sounds and watching my daughter do the same in front of me. Seeing her young pussy being violated by her own fingers and watching her lick her juices made this experience ten times better no matter how wrong it was. We were both watching each other\'s hands with hungry eyes, Kristy\'s face was red and her eyes glazed over.

As I brought my dripping fingers up she grabbed my wrist again. I was confused, she didn\'t have to do this, I was willingly sucking my pussy juices in front of her! I felt my hand being pulled away from me and I froze. NO!

\Kristy, don\'t.\ I whispered.

She didn\'t listen to me, she was in a sexually intensified state, I don\'t know if she even heard me. My whole body was stiff as a board as my fingers moved to within an inch of her mouth. This was so wrong! Kristy\'s eyes shifted from my wet fingers to my face and looking into my eyes she placed my wet finger on her tongue. No, no, no, she can\'t do this, my mind was screaming at me but I felt powerless to move my hand away. I watched in fascination as my daughter closed her rosy red lips around my wet finger and sucked!

\Uhhmm.\ She made a low sound.

She took that finger out and replaced it with another and then another until they were all clean. She let go of my wrist and just watched me playing with herself. I was shocked that she would do that but sexually turned on beyond comprehension. I wanted to taste myself again but didn\'t know if she would do this again. Confused I placed my hand over my drenched pussy and just wet my fingers without even sticking them in. I knew my whole face was beet red as I took my hand away watching her. Again she grabbed it and pulled it towards her.

\Oh no Kristy, what are you doing? You shouldn\'t.\

I protested but watched as she placed my wet fingers inside her mouth and sucked and licked the wetness off of them. God, why didn\'t I stop her? She tasted my pussy, my own daughter tasted my pussy! I couldn\'t stand it, I needed more wine. After taking a big gulp I looked at her, she was still watching me, waiting. I suspected what she wanted but couldn\'t bring myself to do it.

Our waiter saved me by bringing our food to the table. Although I pulled my dress down Kristy was naked from the waist down and I was afraid he might see it but she pulled the table cloth over her enough for him not to notice. All he was seeing was our breasts nearly exposed which kept him occupied enough.

We ate in silence each one lost in thought of what happened. Why did I allow this? Why didn\'t I stop her? The only explanation was my desire for Kristy and the sexy uniqueness of the situation. After all, we were doing this in public.

\Mom,\'re not mad at me are you?\ She whispered.

How could I be? I loved her too much.

\No baby, let\'s just put this in the back of our minds and eat our lunch. We still have to get to the store,\ I answered not wanting to discuss this and complicate things.

\I know I can\'t wait. I guess I better put my shorts on.\

Well, maybe we had some time still.

\Why don\'t you do it after the meal,\ I whispered and squeezed her hand taking a peek at her barely visible pussy.

She smiled and slid back giving me a better look.

\You like me that way don\'t you?\

The wine was doing it\'s job and I answered without thinking.

\Uhmmm, yes.\

I could tell her breathing increased.

\Mom, for you I would do anything.\

Saying that she brought her leg up bending it at the knee and tucked it behind me on the seat. In this position she was spread with one leg behind me and one leg on the floor and her pussy was opened staring at me with its wetness inside the separated lips as she started leaking juices onto the seat below her. She looked so sexy with her naked hips, pussy and legs! I swallowed hard and ate my lunch looking down between her legs from time to time. This kept me extremely aroused and sexually stimulated and so was Kristy, she was dripping down there.

When we finished our meal she pulled her shorts on and we left the restaurant to a lot of disappointed looks form our waiter. The trip to the novelty store took only minutes and walking inside I tried to compose my thoughts. I had to buy something special that would excite my husband and make him want more. Thinking back at our love making I knew he liked being dominated by me. Walking the isles of the store I came to a section with straps and whips, this was it!

Kristy was on my heels looking at stuff wide eyed.

\Mom, look at all this stuff!\

She playfully grabbed one of the whips and smacked it against my butt laughing. I shook my head at her.

\Don\'t start this again,\ I said referring to the time she spanked me while I was trapped inside our kitchen cabinet.

As if the light bulb went on in her head she smiled smacking me again.

\Mom, you have to get this. Can I buy a few things?\ She asked excitedly.

\Sure,\ I answered but in my mind I tried to figure out what to get for my husband.

I took my time and finally settled on leather straps and a blindfold; this would keep my husband immobilized as I played with him without knowing what I was going to do next. Taking the two items I walked up to where Kristy was standing with her hands full of stuff. I was surprised to see handcuffs, a gag-ball, numerous whips and ropes in her hands.

\I didn\'t tell you to buy the whole store,\ I said surprised.

\Mom, I can\'t pass it up, it\'s all on sale.\

She was looking in the direction of the store where a couple of men walked out of.

\I wonder what is in there. Come on, we have to check it out.\

Grabbing my hand she pulled me in the direction of a sign that said \arcade\. I kind of had a vague idea what was there but went along with her anyway. We walked into a dark hallway which was illuminated by a dim light fixture in the corner. We saw rows of doors on both sides of the hallway and a change machine on the opposite wall. There were two men standing by the machine talking but as soon as they noticed us they stopped. They were looking at us as we explored this part of the store.

Each door had a long illuminated sign by it that described the type of movies you will view inside, anything from straight sex, group sex, teenage sex to bondage, slaves and extreme sex. My head was spinning while I read some of the short synopsis posted with a explicit picture of the action. Kristy read walking from door to door as I followed.

When we got to the two men they smiled at us and moved away from the change machine. They were both dressed well in business shirts and slacks and both were handsome, my guess was they were professional men getting a little entertainment on their lunch hour.

\Mom, get us some quarters, we have to check this out!\ Kristy was already excited.

\Honey, do you really mean to go inside one of those booths?\ I said surprised.

\Yes and you\'re going in there with me. Come on Mom, this is our only chance, let\'s check it out.\

Reluctantly I put my only ten dollar bill in there and the machine spit out bunch of quarters with a loud noise that could be heard in the whole store. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the two men watching our every move which coupled with the dim lighting made me a little uneasy. Kristy grabbed the quarters and pulled me behind her opening a door which had a picture of a guy with huge cock stuck inside a tiny blond girl\'s ass, the sign beside the picture read: Anal Teenage Sluts.

\Kristy! Not this one!\ I protested horrified at the picture but it was too late.

Kristy shut the door and locked it as soon as we got inside. The tiny booth was illuminated by a red light bulb above the door and in the front was about a 32\ TV screen with a coin slot beside it. The whole booth smelled like cum.

\Oh, yuk! It smells in here.\ I said disgusted.

\Oh my god! You\'re right, it smells cum. Do you think men come in here and jerk off?\

She was very close to me, rubbing her butt against my crotch; the room did not provide much room to move around.

\Yes, what did you think this was for?\ I said watching her put the first quarter in.

The picture came up and soon we were watching a guy and a girl making out, it was the same couple that was on the ad picture on the door. The scene changed to the guy taking the girls clothes off and then the girl, completely naked proceed to give the guy a blow job while sticking her ass out and spreading her legs for the camera. Kristy looked at me excited and put her stuff down in the corner, she was excited and I had to admit, so was I. The guys cock was huge! The tiny blond girl wrapped both of her hands around the massive shaft and pulled the foreskin back exposing the head, she then put the head in her mouth.barely.and proceeded to give the guy a blow job.

Just then I heard doors on either side of our booth shutting telling me the booths adjacent to ours were being occupied. I wondered if it was the two guys who were watching us earlier. Kristy looked at me and smiled bringing her hands up to her waist. She begun playing with her shorts and I noticed she unsnapped the button that held them together. I stood immobilized right behind her and watched the screen and her. She looked back and smiled reaching for my hands. She grabbed them and brought them to her hips placing my palms right above her waist on the smooth, exposed part of her hips. Her skin felt so warm.

I stood behind her immobilized and extremely aroused from what she was doing. At first she just stood there watching the screen where the girl was now deep throating the guy, amazingly taking half of his huge cock into her mouth showing the camera that it was going down her throat. Kristy was moaning and slightly moving her hips in a sexy fashion but realizing I was not doing anything with my hands grabbed them and pushed them down under the waist band of her shorts. The more she pushed my hands down, the further my hands slid her shorts down.

I stood there powerless to stop her and watched as my hands as they were slowly sliding her shorts down past her hips. I trembled at the sight of her ass and ass crack exposed half way now. She let go of my hands and moaned. This was my chance to pull my daughter\'s shorts up, to make things sane again and proper but.I didn\'t. As if my hands had a mind of their own, they pushed more and soon her shorts slid past her hips exposing my daughter\'s ass.

At that moment my knees buckled and I slid down to the ground behind her, my eyes glued to her ass. Somehow I slid her shorts all the way down to her ankles and Kristy, looking back at me with wide eyes, stepped out of them. Again, she was naked from the waist down, this time however, we were in a private booth and I was on my knees directly behind my daughter\'s ass. I was so afraid of what might happen, of what I might do but yet, I did not get up!

My hands slid up her legs feeling the smooth, creamy skin until they found her ass again. Placing my hands on each cheek and my heart in my throat, I felt her ass but dared not to go any further. My daughter felt my reluctance and reached back again placing her hands on mine. Slowly, she started applying pressure in the outward direction spreading her ass.

\Oh Kristy, don\'t baby,\ I whispered afraid of what I might do.

\Oh Mom,\ She whispered back putting more pressure and leaning forward.

I could see her tender pussy lips now, clean and shaven with nothing to hide them separating slowly showing me the moisture which had accumulated there. Her pink insides were wet and inviting and the sweet smell of her pussy permeated the air around us. Kristy moved her butt back which brought it dangerously close to my face. I instinctively moved back to keep the distance until I felt the door pressing against my back, I had nowhere to go! Relentlessly my daughter pushed her ass further back towards me until there was only few inches left of space between my mouth and her pussy!

\Kristy, don\'t! I can\'t!\ I whispered barely able to keep myself from shouting.

\Oh Mom, I don\'t believe it. I saw how you looked at me in the restaurant. I know you want this as much as I do,\ She moaned.

Her ass was only inch away from my face, the smell of her sweet juices intoxicating.

\Kristy baby, you\'re my daughter, I shouldn\'t be doing this to you,\ I begged but my eyes were already focused on her wet slit and the tender, pink pussy lips.

\I know Mom, but I don\'t care! I want you to eat me, I want you to eat my pussy! Now eat me Mom! Eat my pussy!\

She leaned further back and I opened my mouth to shout for her to stop but it was too late! My daughter\'s wet pussy lips pressed against my opened mouth muffling my weak protests. I tried pushing her back but she kept herself pressed against my mouth as I sat there pressed against the door shocked at what I was doing! Maybe I wasn\'t strong enough, maybe I didn\'t try hard enough, I don\'t know.

In this perverted moment I realized my mouth was still open and my tongue was slowly coming out! NO! My mind screamed but to no avail. My tongue reached out and touched my daughter\'s pussy with hunger, sliding like a snake in between her folds as if to make sure nothing was left untouched.

\Oh my god Mom!\ She moaned surprised at my sudden vigor.

\Ummmmmm!\ Was my only reply.

I was lost in this moment drinking my daughter\'s juices and licking her pussy. She no longer pressed against my mouth, matter of fact the force of my intimate attack pushed her against the angled TV screen as I was now pushing towards her with hunger to taste more of her sweet pussy.

\Ohhhh you lick so good, oh\'re so hungry!\

Reaching back with her hand she grabbed onto my hair and pulled on them pushing my face further between her luscious cheeks. I was suffocating, her flesh was all around me and her juices were flooding into my opened mouth. I held on as long as I could but when I felt like passing out, I lurched to my feet breathing deeply. Kristy twisted around and was facing me, her hands on my ass cheeks.

\Uhhh, look how wet your face is.\

She pulled me close and gave me a long, sensual kiss sliding her tongue inside my mouth and twisted it, wrapping it around my own. Our tongues played the sensual dual for a moment and then pulling away, she licked my lips and chin. She was licking her own pussy juices smeared all over my face. Suddenly she pulled back and leaned against the TV screen watching me.

\We should have done this a long time ago,\ She gave me a mischievous grin which made me wonder what she would do in the future.

Suddenly I saw movement from corner of my eye and looked at the wall to the booth beside us. I gasped! Sticking through what looked like a hole was a semi erect cock!

\Oh my god!\ I said bringing my hand up to my mouth.

My daughter looked at it and her eyes lit up.

\Shit! Mom, this is a glory hole!\ She said and knelt right in front of the cock.

\Kristy, don\'t!\ I shouted and grabbed on to her trying to pull her away.

\Mom, stop! I just want to see,\ She said.

I didn\'t know how to stop her! I never seen Kristy that way, it seemed that everything in this store/arcade was new to her and exciting. I was beginning to wonder if I did the right thing bringing her here. Her hand came up and she touched the cock protruding from the hole.

\Kristy!\ I yelled over the moaning coming from the TV.

She didn\'t listen, before I could do anything her small fist was fully wrapped around the cock and she was beginning to stroke it. I knelt down beside her to be able to talk to her better.

\Kristy, baby, you don\'t know who this guy is. You shouldn\'t do this,\ I said watching her hand.

For some strange reason her hand wrapped around the thick cock seemed erotic to me at the moment.

\Mom, it\'s growing!\

She was right, the cock was expanding and getting longer making me gasp at the size. Her fist methodically slid up and down the long shaft while her wide eyes examined it from inches away making this for an erotic scene I have never seen my daughter in. My heart pounded in my chest watching her. She turned towards me and leaning over gave me a kiss. It surprised me that she still thought of me having a pulsating cock in her hand. Feeling her lips pressed to mine I returned the soft kiss and somehow brought my hand up to her ass feeling the soft curve.

Lucy Loves Her Husband Even More Now

Although Lucy had often thought about fucking another man other than her husband Jeff she had never done anything about it! That is until last Saturday night. Her loving husband Jeff was a very keen card player and long before they had been married he had held his regular card nights with the boys. Marrying Lucy hadn\'t changed much. At first she had objected to the regular card games when the boys would come over and eat up their food and drink their booze but later just accepted it and let them have their way.

Lucy is now 27 and a very attractive redhead. She has that lovely orange/red hair and the beautiful white skin which tends to cover with freckles when exposed to the sun. She is quite tall 5\'7\ and has a divine figure. Her breasts are large but well shaped and her nipples are long and a very pale pink color. Her hips are just right and her waist is somewhat smaller so that she has this very shapely figure. Her legs are long and between her legs she has a mass of lovely reddish hair which Jeff loves so much.

She always shaved her legs and her underarms but refused to shave her pubic hair. Jeff had asked her once not long after they were married to shave it all off and although she had agreed and he had shaved her, she was not happy about it! Jeff got quite a thrill when he shaved her bush and loved to look at it when she was naked but she didn\'t like it and said it itched too much and so it was allowed to grow back. Jeff had tried unsuccessfully on a number of occasions to shave it off again but she just wouldn\'t allow him. Jeff loved her bush but would have loved to be able to shave it off just for the thrill of doing it!

Last Saturday night the card game was in full swing and, as usual, Lucy was acting as the hostess and providing them with the food and drink whilst they were playing. She didn\'t take much notice of their games at any time except to just watch who had the piles of money in front of them whenever she entered the room. For once, Jeff didn\'t have any money in front of him so this meant he was losing! They weren\'t short of money but Jeff could get rather angry if he wasn\'t winning and would try all the harder to beat the rest of the 5 men.

Lucy made more trips into the room than usual this night because she was interested in watching what was happening to the money heaps. There was still no money in front of Jeff and she could see from his expression that he was having a very bad night.

Going back to their courtship, Lucy and Jeff had been friends for what seemed forever! They had been to school together and college and just seemed to be right for each other. Of course they became engaged and later married. Lucy was a virgin until Jeff had fucked her one afternoon after school in their final year and from then on sex became an event to look forward to every time they were alone. They couldn\'t always be alone and so this led to some frustration on both parts but they remained true to each other and neither had fucked anyone else!

With her excuses just about running out, Lucy went back into the room with a couple of bottles of beer when she knew they had full bottles in front of them, just to see how Jeff was doing! He had such an angry look on his face she became quite alarmed. She had seen him angry before and she didn\'t like to see him like that. He had never hit her or abused her in any way but he just seemed to make her very uncomfortable when we was like this. She knew she wasn\'t supposed to talk to him while they were playing she usually came into the room between games to talk or to bring refreshments. She took a risk and asked Jeff how he was getting on? His angry response alarmed her and when he told her to \fuck off\ she realized just how bad his mood really was. She left the room quickly, almost in tears. She certainly didn\'t like being talked to like that.

It was nearly 10.30pm and the games usually broke up at 11pm so she thought she would just ride out the storm for the remaining half hour and probably when they were in bed they would make love and this would change his mood. Lucy went back to the kitchen and cleaned up ready to go to bed as soon as the men left.

Lucy was startled when Jeff called out to her and told her to get her ass in here quick! She wasn\'t happy being ordered around by Jeff when others were present but she entered the room quickly to see what her wanted so urgently. The look he gave her as she moved into the room told her something was terribly wrong. Jeff\'s face looked almost black and he had his fists clenched on the table and she could see he was suffering about something. He told her to stand beside him and hurry up!

When she stood next to him, he turned to her and said, \Lucy, I am in trouble! I need you to help me out. I know you won\'t be able to accept what I require of you but it is the only way out. Will you do it?\ Lucy couldn\'t understand what could be so terribly wrong but she trusted Jeff and simply said, \Of course, darling, you know I will do anything for you!\ The five other men just giggled and leaned back in their chairs. Lucy was sure she wasn\'t going to like what she would hear next!

Jeff held his head in his hands and muttered, \Lucy, I have had a very bad night I have not won a single game. I have been betting with money I don\'t have to cover the losses. As you know, we don\'t accept IOU\'s or checks when we are playing and so I have had to put up some special collateral for the losses. I am very sorry darling but you are the collateral! The five boys have won the right to do anything they wish to you, one at a time, for one hour each! I can understand if you hate me forever but I have just got myself into this position and this is the only way out! Will you do this for me?\ Lucy was shocked and wanted to run from the room. She knew all of these men and they would certainly want to take their winnings in some form or other and terrible thoughts flashed through her mind how they might want their winnings paid. Despite herself, she hung her head and said, \Well, what a nice pickle you have got me into, you bastard, but I guess I have to do as you say! Well, what do I have to do?\

Neil was the first to speak to Lucy. He said, \Lucy, take off your blouse and bra and then come over here and sit on my lap! I am going to use 10 minutes of my hour playing with your tits!\ A stunned Lucy began unbuttoning her blouse and began to slide it down off her body. She wasn\'t wearing a bra so now she was naked to the waist in front of these men. Reluctantly she moved over to Neil and sat on his lap with her back to him. In a flash Neil had her breasts in his hands and he was rubbing and squeezing them firmly. She glared at Jeff with a look that could have killed but he gave no response and so she had to sit there and be handled roughly. She was more alarmed when she saw Jeff had a stop watch in his hand and he was actually timing Neil playing with her tits! After a couple of minutes, Neil turned Lucy around so that she was facing him with her legs on either side of his. She was terribly embarrassed by the position as he played with her tits and nipples and then began to lick and suck her erect nipples. This went on until his time was up! Jeff had a pad and pencil in front of him for scoring and now he was recording how much time was spent with each man and his wife! Lucy was disgusted!

Rick was next. He demanded she take off her panties but leave her skirt on and sit on his knee for his 10 minutes. This was getting serious but she had no alternative so she reached up under her skirt and eased her panties down until she could step out of them. She threw her panties at Jeff and then sat on Rick\'s knee. He soon had his hands under her skirt and played with her cunt and bush eventually leading up to her clit which was aroused anyway. He too turned her around so she was facing him and he was able to thrust a couple of fingers into her cunt and move them in and out. She was becoming very aroused but tried not to show any emotion. He simply played for his 10 minutes until Jeff told him his time was up! What would be next?

Roger was next and he told her to take her skirt off and come and sit on his lap! Again she was forced to do so and her skirt fell to the floor. It too joined her other clothes on the table in front of Jeff. She moved over to Roger who made her sit facing him and he too played with her cunt but at the same time her sucked her nipples. His 10 minutes seemed to take a lot longer than the others.

Ralph began his turn by standing up in front of Lucy, undoing his pants and dropping them to the floor. He also dropped his underpants and, wearing only his T-shirt told Lucy to begin playing with his cock! She took his firm cock in her hand and began pumping him quickly hoping he would cum quickly and that would be that but Ralph had other ideas. He slowed her down and made her stroke him slowly while he stroked her breasts and later her cunt. He didn\'t cum but he must have been close when Jeff called time.

Nathan was next and he stripped completely and told Lucy to suck his cock! He also told her to suck it slowly and he played with her tits too. This was so degrading that Lucy felt so ashamed she began to cry. The men took no notice and Jeff told her to stop blubbering and get on with the job. Once again time was called and now they had all had their first turn with her.

The men then moved over into the corner of the room to talk leaving Lucy standing naked in the center of the room. She took the opportunity to walk over to Jeff and tell him what a bastard he was to make her do this stuff! He simply told her, \Shut up won\'t you and try to enjoy it! Just imagine how much I am suffering too watching the men play with you!\ That was the limit for Lucy. He was suffering watching her fuck him! He could go to hell.

When the men returned to Lucy they told her to get up onto the table and lie on her back! Neil then told Jeff to get a razor, shaving soap, water and a towel. Both Jeff and Lucy looked puzzled but he quickly returned with the requested goods. The five men gathered around the table and Lucy and Nathan told her to spread her legs wide apart. She was terrified but when she hesitated the men simply held her ankles and pulled her legs apart. They then took it in turns to lather up her pubic bush and all took their time massaging the shaving crme into her bush. When they were satisfied they again took turn to shave away all of the hair around her cunt. Soon she was as bald as a badger and had absolutely no hair between her legs. Now the only hair on her body was on her head and her forearms which had a lovely fine covering of red hair. When they asked Jeff how long they had taken he told them they had used up a further 15 minutes each! A further conference in the corner saw the men ask Jeff for a sheet of paper and they tore this up into 5 pieces and wrote their names on one sheet each. When they had been shuffled they made Lucy draw each one separately out of a small box. The order in which the names came out was Neil, Nathan, Roger, Rick and Ralph! Neil became the spokesman and said to Jeff, \We are going to take our last 35 minutes fucking your wife in turn! We think it would be a good idea to bring a bed into this room so we can all watch. Let\'s find a suitable bed. Jeff helped them to bring a folding daybed into the room and he also brought some sheets which he spread over the bed. The bed, when unfolded, became almost a double bed as it was quite large.

Neil being first told Lucy to lie on the bed on her back and he then joined her. There was no embarrassment between the men and they watched with interest what was happening. Neil began by kissing Lucy and playing with her body. He stroked and licked her breasts and nipples and eventually he moved his body down until he was between her legs and began licking her cunt and clit. Lucy was very turned on despite herself and began to accept what was inevitable! Soon after, Neil moved into a 69 position and had his head between Lucy\'s legs and was sucking her pussy lips while Lucy was sucking his cock. When he feared he would cum in her mouth he called a halt to proceedings and then hugged her until the moment passed. He then mounted Lucy and pushed his hard cock into her cunt. He fucked her for some time before he came and, although she hated what was happening to her, Lucy came too.

The other four men, in turn, did the same with Lucy. They all fucked her and left their deposit in her cunt. Her body was becoming sore, especially her breasts and nipples due to the continual sucking and licking. Surprisingly her cunt wasn\'t sore and she had already cum at least 9 times whilst she was being played with or fucked!

Neil asked the timekeeper how much time was left for them. Reluctantly Jeff told them they still had 10 minutes each. In turn they made Lucy play with their cocks until they were hard and then they made her suck their cocks until they came in her mouth! In all the five loads in her mouth had almost made her sick but she had managed to swallow each load and to her surprise rather enjoyed the sensation once she had overcome the fear of what was happening to her.

There was still more than 5 minutes left for each man and so they decided they would use that time to double fuck Lucy! The men had no difficulty getting hard again due to Lucy rubbing and sucking their cocks. By this time, Lucy was starting to enjoy the session. Lucy had never been fucked in the ass before and dreaded the thought but the men ignored her protests and told her to hurry up and get into position. The first man laid on his back on the daybed and Lucy was made to squat over his cock and to lower herself down onto it. When she was full of cock, the next man moved behind her and began playing with her asshole. This hurt her a great deal and she began to cry but Jeff came back into the room with a tube of KY which he proceeded to place into her asshole and he squeezed most of the contents down into her rectum. He pulled the top of the tube out of her asshole and then spread a lot around her hole on the outside. The man, still poised over her, lowered his cock until the head was pressing into her asshole. Lucy was surprised how easily the head plopped into her ass and then the man slipped right in as far as her could go! Then the two men began to fuck her in earnest. It didn\'t take very long before she felt her own orgasm rising and at the same time one of the other men thrust his cock into her mouth so she could get him hard ready for his turn. The two men came almost at the same time but Lucy had beaten them by seconds. The two men withdrew and their places were taken by the next two. This time the man lying on the bed told Lucy to get over him but facing away from him. When she was in position he moved her body until her asshole was directly over his erect cock. He pulled her down and his cock entered easily into her asshole.

When she was fully embedded on his cock he pulled her back until she was lying on his body and he moved his hands around to hold her on him and to play with her tits. The next man moved into position over Lucy and admired just how obscenely she was exposed with her legs wide apart, her cunt pulled wide open and a cock stuck up her ass. He entered her cunt and they soon moved into a rhythm of fucking her together. Again she felt a cock at her lips and so a cock was moved into her mouth again. She could taste her juices and cum on this cock but sucked it eagerly. It didn\'t take long before the two men came and, of course, Lucy came several times as well. There was only one cock left when the last two withdrew and it was Ralph who pulled Lucy into a position on her hands and knees and with only a few minutes to spare he pushed his hard cock into her asshole and fucked her! Now she had three loads of cum in her rectum and although she came when Ralph did, she began to wonder just how much cum she had in her body. Just after Ralph had shot his load Jeff called time and the fuck session was over! The debt was paid in full.

The men dressed and left but first they thanked both Lucy and Jeff and told them they would be back again for another friendly game of cards.

As soon as they had gone, Jeff went over to Lucy who was still on the bed. When he grasped her arm to help her up she shook him away and told him to leave her alone! She then tried to walk to the bathroom but despite trying to keep her holes closed she wasn\'t successful and the cum began to run out and down her legs onto the floor. She left a trail all the way to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet for some time waiting for the cum to drain out but it took quite a while and she wasn\'t sure it was all gone even then. She climbed into the shower and took a long hot shower to take away the pains of the session with the men. Strangely, although she felt sore, she also felt very satisfied and almost grateful to Jeff for getting her into this situation. Also strangely she didn\'t feel the same hatred she had felt for Jeff earlier when the playing around began.

Jeff was waiting for her to come out of the bathroom, filled with fear at what she might say to him! He began to apologize as soon as she emerged but she waved his apologies away and threw her arms around his neck! She began to kiss him and told him she loved him! Poor Jeff thought she was joking and it took some time before he understood she had eventually enjoyed being fucked by the men! She had no clothes with her in the bathroom and she had returned to Jeff stark naked. For the first time he had a chance to look at her shaved pubes and he felt her smooth mons with his hand gradually understanding how nice it was to feel an utterly smooth pubic area.

Needless to say, they went straight to bed and although Jeff loved Lucy he thought he would have no chance of fucking her that night but he was wrong! Lucy begged him to fuck her and for the first time since their only unsuccessful attempt she asked him to fuck her in the ass! Jeff couldn\'t believe his ears but quickly too advantage of her request and, after fucking her cunt to make sure his cock was completely wet, he moved so he could insert his cock into her asshole. There was still a residue of KY and cum in her ass and he slid in without any effort and fucked her to add another load into her rectum. She didn\'t even feel any pain and thoroughly enjoyed the fuck! She was too tired to even drain his cum out of her ass and simply went to sleep in his arms with his cock still embedded in her ass but slowly wilting and ready to plop out!

Next morning when she awoke she climbed out of bed and looked back at the sleeping Jeff and also the mess which they had made on their bed. She cleaned herself up as best she could and returned to their bed. She decided she now loved her husband more now than ever before she had been fucked by 6 men on the one night and was completely satisfied! She almost hoped Jeff would lose at cards again but guessed he would never allow that to happen again! She could still hope, though!

The alarm went off as Claudia Jean, or CJ to her friends, arose from her bed. As she flipped over to turn on her answering machine, she noticed the light blinking. A quick press of the button revealed a message from her boss that she could have the day off today.

The message seemed weird because usually Jim was a tightwad who depended on her to get the pizza place open and such. And his voice sounded slightly stressed also, like he was in the middle of something when he called. CJ decided to go investigate.

She put on a tight miniskirt and a tan half shirt, just in case she did end up having the day off so she could go guy finding. It had been a week since the lithe twenty one year old had been with a guy. As she headed to her tiny Geo Metro, she did a quick check of the gas gauge and ensured herself that her work uniform was in the trunk as usual.

She was Jim\'s number one delivery driver and not just because she had a tight body with a nice size rack. She also knew the suburbs they delivered to like the back of her hand and she knew how to run the store better than Jim did. Still she didn\'t want to take a pay cut to go into management and kick that slacker out of his cushy gig.

When she arrived at the store, she noticed the open sign was off and there was no sign of life. Jim had given her a key a long time ago when he was having a hard time getting up, so she grabbed it to open the door.

Quietly, she snuck in until she reached a point where she could see Jim\'s office light on. As she slowly walked back towards his office, she saw the partially clothed form of Jessie on her knees. Although her head wasn\'t visible, CJ could tell what she was doing.

Jessie was the newest hire onto Jim\'s team and she was desperate for hours. She proved very ambitious during the interview as far as CJ could tell from her eavesdropping. Obviously, the girl was desperate enough to stoop to whatever low method she had to, to get what she wanted.

\'This little slut needs to be taught a real good lesson,\' CJ thought to herself.

As she eased around the corner, she saw Jim\'s head was thrown back against the back of his Executive Desk Chair, as Jessie\'s head was bobbing up and down in his lap. Ironically, as long as CJ had worked for Jim, she\'d never seen him in this kind of compromising position before.

Thus, the sight, and size, of Jim\'s member was a little shocking to her. She found it shocking enough that she felt a little warm under her miniskirt too. She quietly walked in and then knelt next to Jessie, who, sensing another person in the room, looked up in surprise as CJ then took Jim\'s ball sac into her hands and began to massage it as she motioned for Jessie to keep up the sucking with renewed vigor.

\Oh God!\ Jim exclaimed.

\You are awesome, you little slut. Who taught you how to please a man like that? I\'m gonna cum any minute.\

It was at that moment that CJ squeezed.

Jim\'s eyes popped open. He raised his head, took a quick look down and saw Jessie\'s mouth was still on him; but it wasn\'t her hands on his ball sac. He followed the arm up and came face-to-face with CJ\'s angry eyes looking back at him, as she held his balls securely in her grip.

\So, this is how you reward my loyalty, Jim? Giving me the day off so you can get sucked off?\ CJ started twisting slightly, and Jessie stopped her ministrations, but CJ began to push her head back down on his dick.

\Oh, no. You keep sucking off his prick while I have a few words with this loser.\

CJ then watched as Jessie, in a slight state of fear, began sucking up and down Jim\'s shaft again. CJ then let go of Jim\'s balls and stood up, placing one leg on the arm of the chair to show Jim her tan panties under her skirt.

\So, is this how a woman gets better treatment in your eyes, Jim? By sexual motivation?\

By this time, CJ\'s fingers were slipping under her panties and rubbing her clit mere inches from Jim\'s face. She was enjoying the power that surged through her, as she felt Jessie\'s eyes watching her. CJ then put her leg down for a moment, just so she could remove her panties in order to give Jim a better view. She then put her leg back on the arm and proceeded to stick two fingers into her hungry twat.

\Yeah, Jim. You love the idea of my pussy this close to your face, don\'t you? My fingers bringing me off the way you wish your tongue would. But you\'ll have to suffer, because you are never tasting me; not in this lifetime.\

CJ then got back down and began to reach under Jessie\'s hips to feel her.

\Mmmm, looks like you got her wet,\ CJ mused aloud.

Then she shoved three fingers into Jessie\'s trimmed bush to shock her. It worked. Jessie\'s mouth let go of Jim\'s prick as she moaned loudly, CJ\'s rough touch bringing her to orgasm.

CJ then stood up, threw down her key and turned to face Jim.

\Enjoy your new day driver, you prick,\ CJ told him. \Cause I quit. I am also calling your boss to come down and check out what\'s going on here.\

With those words uttered, CJ walked away feeling empowered and confident as the two watched her walk away. wondering if she was going to fulfill her threat. Or, was it a promise?

Jim looked at Jessie; Jessie looked at Jim. Neither one was totally sure.

Janet called me on a Thursday night. The phone rang a moment after I had gotten home from teaching. Why didn\'t I come over Saturday for dinner and she could \thank me\ properly for babysitting a few weeks ago? Maybe she thinks my phone is bugged? Maybe a grown woman in her early 40s can\'t bring herself to say \come over here and fuck me\ on the phone?I agreed to go over there, told her I\'d be over late in the afternoon Saturday.

I changed out of my suit, got into a T-shirt, ragged jeans, tennis shoes, made a sandwich and grabbed a cold beer, turned on the TV for the evening. Woke up about 10:00 p.m. to a new Thursday night tradition: Wendy unzipping my pants and helping herself to engorged cock.A great Thursday evening! Set up a date for the weekend to get some pussy, and then get some young cunt right now.

\Oh My God Professor! Your cock is so big!\ Wendy said, as if she\'d never seen it before, let alone tasted it and felt it up her cunt and asshole. She thought it was cute to call me Professor when she was sucking and fucking me. True, it did get me even harder.\What will you do with this cock Professor?\

\Let me show you Little Girl\ I said, forcing her face down on my cock until she swallowed my entire shaft. After she had polished my manhood for a few minutes I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

I turned the bed down.

\I can\'t spend the night, y\'know?\ she said.

\How about I just fuck you and send you on your way then?\

\That\'ll work\ she smiled as I threw her down and pulled her pants off of her.

I unbuttoned her blouse and saw her nippled sticking straight up through her little cotton bra.Sitting up she pulled my T-shirt off of me, and then licked my cock all over, trailing streams of drool from my throbbing penis to her mouth. \It\'s gotta be wet when you enter me Professor.\

\Oh it does, does it?\

\Yes,\ she said, looking me in the eyes. \Now spread my cunt and fuck me. Fuck me hard but fuck me slow.\

I started her in missionary, switched her to her knees and fucked her from behind until she came, panting. I thrusted into her asshole for awhile, but that didn\'t seem to work Thursday night.\How do I get you to cum Professor?\

I fucked her throat for 5 minutes until I filled it with thick off-white semen. It ran down her chin, sprayed into her red hair. Globs hung on her forehead.When she had swallowed most of it and was licking my cock pretty vigorously up and down she looked up and asked \Do I give pretty good head?\

I pulled her to her feet and showed her the mirror. \What do you think of a woman who gets coated in cum?\

\She\'s a whore. A whore that loves to fuck, and that gives the best head jobs.\

\So do I,\ I said.

I slept great, even if there was a big wet spot on my bedsheet.

Friday was uneventful, for which I was grateful. I wanted a full sack of cum for Janet. and maybe her daughter Monica too? Wendy was working at the store, and I didn\'t try the volleyball team or anyone else. Just ate my sandwich, drank some beers and fell asleep in front of the TV. If someone had showed up to suck and fuck me I wouldn\'t have objected, but when I awoke in front of the TV it was 3:00 a.m. so I just crawled into that large lonely kingsize bed and slept until sunlight and beyond.

Never let it be said that I\'m not a class act. I stopped and bought some wine to take to Janet. A mature woman requires more than just a large boner and the knowledge of what goes where and why, as I like to say. Younger chicks are easier to just fuck and forget it seems like, but a mature woman wants some romance. Even if that\'s only getting her loosened up with some wine. Is that a hard and fast rule? No. Some divorced women just need a hard fucking every once in awhile, no strings.Janet was somewhere between romance and needing a cock up her twat periodically.

She looked great. Since the last time I had seen her she had changed her hair. It was darker and shorter than that Tuesday night a few weeks before. She had a nice pantsuit on, not too dressed up but nice. The make-up was well done, or at least it seemed like the right amount, and she smelled good enough to fuck. Which is what I intended to do after the proper preliminaries.

Monica was around of course, pretending not to know me, recognize me or whatever. I wondered what she thought since I had broken her cherry and screwed her every way I knew how that evening. She was polite, but not talkative.

\Larry,\ Janet said about 20 minutes after I had arrived, \this is a little embarassing but would you mind watching things while I run to the store? I\'m out of some things that I need for dinner.\

\Oh, if you give me a list and some directions to the store I\'d be happy to run to the store for you.\ I was feeling a little uncomfortable anyway with the teenage daughter, and just sort of hanging around while Janet cooked.

\Are you sure?\

\Sure I\'m sure Janet,\ I said, smiling and touching her hand. She glanced around to make sure Monica wasn\'t nearby.\Know what you\'re having for dessert Larry?\I shook my head as if I didn\'t know.\Sex. I want that huge cock inside of me pumping me full\ she whispered, her hand brushing across the growing bulge in my pants. \Oh, I see you brought your appetite.\

\For now Dear Lady, I need the grocery list and some directions,\ I said, putting a little space between us.

I was just starting the van, five minutes later when Monica came outside and opened the passenger side door.

\Something else she needs?\ I asked.

\Nahh, that witch has it all written out, she just asked me to go with you to find the store.\

\You don\'t have to, I think I can find it,\ I said, giving her an excuse to go back inside and do whatever she wanted to do.

She climbed in the van and slammed the door shut. \I\'ll go with you Uncle Larry,\ she smiled.

I hadn\'t driven two blocks before she stroked an erection in my pants and announced \I\'m dripping wet. My cunt needs your cock inside of it. Pull over somewhere and fuck me.\

\I\'m not sure about this timing Monica,\ I said, wanting to grant her request. Wanting to feel my hard cock climbing up into that young pink cunt and expanding to fill her. To pump my load into her pussy, her ass, her hungry mouth.

\You\'re planning on fucking my Mother later aren\'t you?\ she accused me, with a shocked look.

I didn\'t answer.

\God! That\'s so sick. She\'s old and dried up! You can have some young moist cunt right here and now.\

Her Mom was not that old, and certainly not dried up as far as I could recall.

\I can\'t believe that Larry,\ she sneered at me. \Well, ask yourself later when you see her gross naked body is she could have done this for you?\She leaned over, unzipped my pants and started to give me road head as we made our way out of the suburbs toward the grocery store.

Monica\'s tongue flicked all over my growing cock. Her slender young fingers fit around the shaft like a glove, and her other hand began to massage my balls, summoning the sperm.I couldn\'t help but moan.

\Pretty damn good for my first road head huh?\ she smiled, swallowing the tip of my penis and making gurgling sounds.

I was about to pass a business office which was closed for the weekend, so I turned into the parking lot and pulled around to the back, out of sight of the road.

I put the van in park. I unsnapped Monica\'s jeans and shoved my right hand down her panties. She wasn\'t lying. Her cunt was flowing with her sweet juices.

\C\'mon you little whore,\ I said, leading her to the back of the van.

\On your knees,\ I commanded. \Suck me off bitch. She began to oblige me. After a few minutes I changed my mind. \Stop and spread your cunt for me.\ Again she obliged me, and I pulled her soaking wet panties down around her ankles and put my face in her cunt.I worked two fingers inside of her as I ate that sweet young pussy out, and she moaned loudly and started to breathe heavily.

A few moments later Moan-ica climaxed with a series of shudders.When she had recovered slightly she grasped my cock.\Where do you want to fuck me? My ass? My cunt? You wanna cum over my face?\

\Stroke me off into your mouth and over your face slut\ I said.

\You know, a couple days ago I was gonna let one of my friends fuck me but when I saw his cock it was too little. You spoiled me with this meat,\ she smiled. \Promise me that you\'ll tell me who makes you cum harder, me or that old woman at home.\

Her slender hands encircled my throbbing penis, and adding a lick here and there she whacked me off into her mouth a few minutes later. We managed to keep the cum out of her hair fortunately, and when we reached the grocery store 10 minutes later she cleaned herself up in the restroom without incident.

20 minutes later we were walking into Janet\'s house. \What took you two so long?\

\We had trouble finding the spices, Mom, they moved them,\ Monica lied. Well, we couldn\'t very well tell her that we\'d been having oral sex behind the Business Services Building could we?

A half hour later Monica was out the door, on her way to a friend\'s house apparently. Janet gave me the remote to the TV and told me to entertain myself while she finished dinner. An hour later we were taking the dirty dishes into the kitchen, the candles were lighting the livingroom, and we poured ourselves some wine.I didn\'t need the wine as it turned out.

Janet moved closer to me on the couch, she unbuttoned my shirt. I hoped I had enough time since discharging into her daughter\'s mouth to build up another good strong load of pudding.\I really appreciate you coming over that night Larry,\ she said, rubbing my chest, and glancing down to see the bulge in my pants.She smiled when she saw that bulge.

\Really, you did?\ I teased.

\Umm-hmm\ she muttered, beginning to nibble on my ear.

\How much, for instance?\ I asked, feeling her hand rubbing my cock through the pants.

\A lot,\ she said. She unbuckled my belt and unsnapped my pants. I felt her fingers snake in and find my cock, encircling it with her painted nails and stroking gently.

\That\'s more than a little bit, I guess\ I said.

\Count to 50 and then come to my room,\ she said, kissing me on the lips and rising to leave. As she turned the corner into the hallway I could see her unsnap her pantsuit.

I cheated and only counted to 35. I left my shoes and socks on the floor by the couch and followed my erect cock to the bedroom.

Janet lay seductively on the bed dressed in a black lace bra and panty set. The panties showed her curved hips perfectly, and I imagined I saw a dark wet spot at her crotch in the soft candlelight of the room.Janet saw cock sticking straight out from my pants and laughed. \You must think you\'re going to have sex?\I turned, jokingly, and stepped toward the door.\Bring that penis over here to me right now Mister!\ she called.

A moment later her lipstick was leaving rings as she sucked on my throbbing cock. I lay my head between her breasts and took a nibble of her left breast while pulling on her right nipple with my fingers.With my other hand I reached into her panties, brushed aside the blonde hairs and inserted two fingers into her cunt.

\Oh that feels so good,\ she panted.\What does?\\Take your pick. Your cock on my tongue. Your fingers inside me. You nibbling on my breast.\

I shoved my fingers all the way inside her and at the same time began to suck on her tit.\Ohhh, my God\ she called out.

I worked my way to her neck and throat, sucking on her as I finger-fucked and probed her.\I\'ve got something bigger to probe you with,\ I said. \If you\'d like that?\

\Yes, I want you to have intercourse with me,\ she moaned.

\I know you\'re a school teacher and you\'re not supposed to talk nasty-\

\Alright smart-ass, ram that big mother fucker cock into me. Fuck me \'til I scream!\

I pulled her panties off her, continuing to nibble on her breasts and neck. I spread her legs apart. Her fingers were waiting to guide me inside of her, but my cock knew the way already. In a moment I was balls-deep inside the school teacher. I paused and let her feel the pulsing of my meat inside her.Her cunt enclosed me in a velvet grip, and I slowly began to plunge in and out slowly.

\If you go that slow, I\'ll go crazy!\ she whispered.

\Let\'s go insane then\ I breathed into her ear, slowly fucking her.

\MMM-ahhh-oh My God-here I cum\ she moaned just as her orgasm seized her. Her cunt tightened around my love stick and it almost hurt me. But not quite.

\More?\ I asked her a moment later.\Uh-huh\ she managed.

I turned her, faced her against the headboard on her knees and went in behind her, my cock lifting her with every stroke. I had a ways to go before I discharged this load and I wanted to screw her every way until then.Soon she shuddered again. \How many orgasms will you be giving me tonight,\ she asked. \As many as I can.\

\Then keep fucking me Professor,\ she cooed.

She got on top of me and slid that moist pussy up and down my cock until she climaxed for the third time. Her juices were flowing freely, and the room smelled like pussy now.

\Now what?\ she wanted to know. I bent her over the dresser and bore into her ass with my reddening pecker. It took only a moment or two and she was cumming again, shuddering with pleasure.I felt my sperm boiling inside me.

I took her by the hand and led her to the kitchen. I put her on her knees and inserted my pulsating cock into her open mouth.\Tight seal now Teacher, don\'t want to spill any\ and I fucked her mouth for the 3 minutes it took. Her red nails moved slowly up and down my cock, with her other hand she massaged my load into firing position.I felt dizzy for a moment, and then I filled her face with my love pudding.She gagged and swallowed, her light brown hair bobbing up and down spreading cum and her saliva all along my cock.

We returned to the bedroom and lay on the bed for a half hour, cuddling and recovering our strength.\When does your daughter come home?\ I asked.

\11:30-it\'s just 10:00 now,\ she commented. \Let\'s get cleaned up.\

So we each showered, separately. I couldn\'t have fucked her again then anyway.

When we were both cleaned and re-dressed and sitting in the livingroom, she said \Does that seem like a fair price for babysitting Larry?\

\Oh, I\'d say so. Maybe you overtipped me a little bit.\

I was walking out to my van about 11:25 as Monica was coming home.

\Hey. Uncle Larry,\ she said quietly, while we were out of earshot of her Mom. \Who was better? Who made you cum harder?\

\Why, you did Monica. You\'re the best piece of ass I\'ve had in a long time.\ She smiled and went in the house.I came about as hard for both mother and daughter that evening.The truth was that I came much harder for Wendy the Thursday night before.Maybe it was the sandwich, the beer, and having her wake me up with a blowjob.

Or maybe it wasn\'t a sandwich or beer. Wendy climbed into bed with me Sunday morning. She did have a key. She just didn\'t use it all that often. I felt the bed move, I opened my eye a crack and she was smiling at me and pulling her panties off. I saw her toss the pink panther underpants onto the floor, and then she pulled my sleep boxers off me and massaged my cock until it was standing straight up. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. When I felt the wetness of her tongue I looked again and her red pigtails were bouncing as she took me into her mouth all the way.\I know how to wake you up Professor,\ she said.She lifted her Care Bears nightgown up and milked my cock with her pussy sliding up and down me until I filled her with my cum.Then she pulled her nightgown off, stuck it in her pussy and I watched my freckled whore suck all the cum off of it.

I wondered if last night had been a dream when I woke up. I remembered the whole night especially the reuniting with Jenny, and the makeup sex. I guess you could call it that I mean what else could it be?

I opened my eyes, and let my eyes adjust to the sunlight pouring into the room. I looked to my right and saw Jenny, curled up next to me, still naked from the night before. I raised my left hand, made a fist and pulled it down whispering a silent yes to myself, and my room. I wrapped my left arm around her now, and kissed her forehead gently. I fell asleep next her a smile on my face.

I woke up to a poke in my right side. I looked over to see Jenny sitting cross legged, poking me. \Im hungry\ She said. She smiled at me as I grinned and stuck out my arms as I dove at her. I wrapped my arms around her playfully as we laughed and wrestled, still naked by the way.

When I pinned her she cried out \Come on Steve let me win just once!\

I smiled at her half of my tongue in between my teeth. \Nu uh\ I replied and laughed as she rolled me over. She had been working on flipping my heavy ass!

\I win now, bitch!\ She yelled out laughing. I leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose

\Let\'s eat\ I told her. I easily pushed her to the right of me and she yelped, knowing I let her win. I put on just some boxers and walked out of my room laughing as Jenny, playfully angry, that I flipped her.

She came out in a t-shirt of mine, and some of my basket ball shorts that I use for working out. \Those are dirty.\ She looked down and shrugged. I laughed as I pulled out some eggs.

We had a nice hot breakfast ready to eat, enough for the six of us. But I knew the four would be hungover. I purposely made their food greasy and not pleasent for someone with a hang over. I kicked Jeffs\' door open and shouted as loud as possible, \Wake us ya fuckin\' drunk!\

Jeff shot up awake but put his hand on his face because of the lights. I began flicking the switch on and off and his girl from the night before groaned. \Breakfast!\ I said with a smile. Jeff stood up out of bed and helped the girl out of bed as he held her hand and walked her to the bar where their food was.

I walked into Brads\' room. I saw his guitar jacked in and turned it on. I turned up the volume on the guitar and amplifier as loud as it would go. I struck a chord and nearly went deaf. Brad and Amy both shot up and put their hands on their heads. Both looked like hell. \Breakfast!\ I told them. I put the guitar down and walked out of the room, Brad shouting at me as I left.

\You really are a fucking asshole man!\ He shouted.

\Your welcome!\ I yelled back.

Hangovers suck. I dont get them often but when I do it always helps to have a greasy meal. Its hard to get down but in an hour or two you feel okay. A little, but it helps. I help my friends with it alot. They kind of thanked me for the food, but knew I made it extra greasy, Brad gently shaking his head at me.

Later on that day the hungover hoodlums were finally feeling better. I finally got Jeffs\' girls\' name. It was Diane. She was a real looker. Around 5\' 6\ blonde, blue eyes. A walking talking barbie doll.

Amy was one too. She had red hair to her collar bone, green eyes, and was about the same height as Jeff, 5\'8\. Amy chatted to Jenny calling her short stuff. Jenny was the shortest one there at 5\'4\.

Diane was with Brad kissing on MY couch. MY FUCKING COUCH. God, I hate it when he does that. Well it doesn\'t matter. I have two spares. There were two on opposite sides of the walls of the living room. One in the middle facing the TV. All three Black and leather. Behind us was the bar/ kitchen. Under the bar was the liquor and beer in a mini fridge with the \big fridge\ to the left when facing th living room. To the right of all that was the master bathroom/ the only bathroom in the apartment. Then the three rooms went past that, first mine, then Jeffs\' , Then Brads. It was actually clean too. It didn\'t look like a guys apartment. I love my well paying job.

Anyway, back to the middle of the day. Amy and Jenny on the left of the room, talking, Jeff and Diane on the right side on my goddamn couch, and me and Brad in the middle of the room. I was smoking his ass in Gears of War. Even though I was gone for 3 months I could still kick his short little ass.

\Haha take that you little bastard!\ I called out laughing. He shook his head and turned off the game after I beat him the third time in a row. He turned on the TV and began watching it, angrily flipping through the channels.

I looked to the left, and saw Jenny and Amy now even deeper into a conversation. Both of them giggled when the saw me. My curiosity was going to get the better of me. I wasn\'t going to be curious for very long.

Jeff came over and sat to the right of me. Brad and I looked at him. I pointed at the couch he was just on as Diane walked by to sit on his lap. \Your not contaminating this one too\ I told him. \Go back to your fuck couch and leave the non-fuck couch alone\ Brad laughed a good long laugh as Jeff gave me the finger and went back to the \fuck couch.\

Amy and Jenny walked over to us and sat in our laps. I put my arms around Jenny as she lay back on me, her right arm around her neck pulling me in.

Amy gave her a glance, Amy seated in the same position Jenny was. Both leaned in at the same time and told us both the same thing. \We want to try somthing.\

Brad shut off the TV. \Shoot.\ We both said. I moved to the right and both girls squeezed in with us.

\We would like to know, if you boys would like to try something new. It involves nakedness\ Amy told us. I saw Brad lean in Diane also doin the same. Both had an eyebrow raised. They were made for eachother.

\This involves you two, also\ Jenny said. Both looked at eachother and raised their eyebrows a little more.

\We would like.\

\To try something we both have been wanting to do\ Jenny finished.

\And that is.\ Amy stalled.

\What?\ Brad asked.

\This isn\'t easy\ Amy replied.

\Sure it is. We want to have a group fuck.\ Jenny said, not caring if anyone was offended. Brad and I had our jaws dropped. Jeff was standing unbuttoning his pants. Diane pulling off her shirt.

\Whoa shit!\ Brad yelled. \Keep your clothes on!\ He shouted at them.

\I\'ll do it. I\'d like to try something wierd. But it doesn\'t leave this room\ I said to them. \If we all promise that I\'m in.\

\I\'ll do it if he does it\ Brad said, pointing his thumb at me.

Jeff and Diane stood. \We\'re gonna get naked, whether you like it or not\ said Jeff. \We\'re in. Our lips are sealed\

\We won\'t tell anyone.\ Said Jenny. I scratched my head and looked at Brad. We both shrugged, and too off our shirts standing and holding our girls.

After an akward minute or so we all had our clothes off. Brad and I feeling nervous, Jeff going to work on Diane. Telling her how he wished they could have fucked the night before. Amy was kissing on Jeffs\' neck, I getting a handjob while both of us were standing up.

Amy began to move down Brads\' body going to his cock and kissing it swirling around the head of his erect 7 inches. I didn\'t care if he was bigger than me. I had nothing to be ashamed about. He let out a moan as she went down half of him.

Jenny jumped on me her legs around my waist arms around my neck. She began grinding into me and got me inside of her. I held her and let her rock on me.

Jeff had Diane on one leg, holding her left leg in the air, his right arm around her waist, pumping inside of her. She was crying out for more. I looked to my left and saw Jeff pumping away as well focusing on pleasing her.

I began to rock too not wanting Jenny to feel left out. I grinded back now just fucking her with force and experience with her pussy. I knew her spots I rubbed her clit and went faster, my friends following. \Jesus Christ! Steve you feel so good\ She cried out. My friends began working harder. Moans of pleasure and acceptance followed.

I went to Jenny\'s breasts and sucked on her left tit. She moaned as I fucked her, rubbed her clit and sucked on a breast. Jeff pleasing Amy by using the \shocker\ technique, also while grinding. Two in the pussy and the pinky in the ass. Amy cooed in pleasure.

Jeff was having the most trouble, being with this new girl he aimed for the usual spots with his mouth. She begged him to go harder and she moaned as thanks.

Soon all six of us knew it was going to happen. Jeff and Diane began moaning in unison and cried out many fucks, and Jesus\'s. They fell on the couch entangled in themselves.

I began to feel it after the fell on the couch. I went as fast as possible, making Jenny cry out with eagerness. \Oh my God! Oh cum in my pussy oh do it baby! Mmmmfuck!\

I went faster and the building erupted like a volcano into her snatch. The incredible orgasm made her erupt as well and we both fell back, enjoying the show Brad put on expertly with Amy.

He continued rocking in and out and fast then slow almost teasing Amy. Then in a final thirty seconds her kept going at an extremely fast pace making Amy go limp and cry out. He grunted and pulled out as Amy went to her knees and swallowed his cum after her orgasm. He fell back on the couch and pulled Amy to her feet and set her down on his lap both panting. I applauded.

Brad shook his head and looked at Amy. Amy smiled and nodded. \Yeah,\ He said in a quiet tone. He threw some pillows on the floor and Amy went on them, on her hands and knees. He again had an erection. He spat on his hand twice and rubbed up and down on his cock. He got to his knees and aimed for her ass.

Jeff picked up Diane and positioned her over his lubed cock. I heard him spit when Jeff did I just didn\'t see. She slowly went to down and paused. She kept going until she was all the way there. I guessed she was a virgin at anal.

Jenny and I however had a different idea. She stood on her knees and went straight down, nothing as lube. She began to bounce up and down moaning. \Call me your slut. Oh I want it!\ She cried. I pondered on the thought as she fucked me.

\You like this cock in your ass? Oh I bet you do. You like this dick. Oh be my slut.\ I said. My friends shocked at our talk. \The fuck you lookin\' at?\ I said with a laugh.

\Oh I love your cock Steve. Im your fucking bitch, yes I fucking am.\

\I know you are. Keep fucking this cock. Oh you love it\ I replied.

The tightness of her ass still amazed me. It was so tight and warm, wrapped around my cock. I watched as my dick dissappeared in her ass.

Brad was fingering Amy as he pounded her ass doggy style on the floor. Amy moaning sounding like she was being shaken. \Oh I love your dick baby!\ She cried out.

\Go Brad, go Brad,\ I said in a chant laughing as he told me to shutup.

Jeff was taking it slower than Brad and I were. He had a face of pleasure as Amy moaned. Taking it slow she pleasure herself on his cock. Filled with his 6 inches, the perfect way to start in my opinion.

Soon we all began to moan. Brad began pounding harder, Jenny and I moaning and talking dirty, and Jeff moaning as Diane rubbed herself. \FUCK\ I cried. I felt her ass milk me of my cum, shooting inside of her she began to explode on top of me. I felt it run down her leg onto mine as she slammed onto me.

\Mmm yeah, baby I love it in my ass! Oh fuck yes!\ Jenny moaned.

Jeff began grunting as Diane exploded into something I had never experienced. She began squirting into her hand letting it shoot back onto Jeff as she cried out moaning and shouting as Jeff moved her up and down a few last times while moaning as well.

Brad, once again, was last to finish. \Oh! Oh my God!\ Amy began to shout. \It\'s so fucking good! Oh fuck my ass, oh yes!\

\You fuckin\' got it!\ He replied, pumping harder and harder with each thrust. He grunted loudly and Amy moaned and cooed as Brad collapsed after she was silent.

We were exhausted, satisfied, and all starving. But most of all. We were dirty.

We all took turns taking showers two at a time, only 10 minutes a piece. When I finally went last with Jenny I scrubbed her whole body, especially her breasts and round ass. She cleaned my chest and cock, admiring my body. I whispered \I loved what we did today, and I love you.\

\Oh baby! I love you too!\ She said, kissing me. We turned off the water, clothed and walked to the living room.

When I walked out, my friends were sitting at the bar, waiting for me to cook some grub. I baked some chicken breasts, nicely seasoned, and made some sauteed mushrooms, and green beans. We treated ourselves, and polished off this akward, sex filled, amazing day with a trip to the movies.

Later on at night after we had all went to bed, Jenny woke me up. She turned on a lamp on the nightstand next to my bed.

I squinted my eyes. \Augh. Hey. what\'s goin\' on?\

\How did you like today? I mean all of us.\

\Fucking?\ I finished with a laugh. \It was wierd. At first I mean. Later on I got used to it and kind of liked seeing my friends having a good time. How erotic it was was a big turn on too.\

\Good. I liked how you kind of took lead. When you went fast so did Brad and Jeff. Amy and Diane thought it was sexy.\

\I\'m not going to have sex with either of them.\ I told her. That wouldn\'t be right.

\That wasn\'t what I was going to ask. I wanted you to go down on me. I\'m so horny right now! I need it.\

I pulled down the blankets and sheets and moved to her pussy quickly, suprising her. I slid down her thong and saw her already moist. I inhaled her scent. \Mmm. Yeah.\ I said deeply. I dove right in.

I licked up and down and occasionally put my tongue deep inside her. I purposely missed her clit, going around it teasing her. She moaned and squirmed aching for it. I switched my tongue for two fingers and licked up and down repeatedly on her clit. Causing her to coo with pleasure.

\Oh yeah baby, eat me out!\ She moaned. I continued going at it for only a minute more. She began moaning louder and I went faster, deperate to make her cum. I pounded my fingers in and out of her and flicked my tongue as fast as possible across her clit.

\Oh Jesus! Oh my God! YES! Oh yesss!\ She moaned. I felt her pussy squeeze my fingers and felt a wave of her cum on my hand, licking up what I could, enjoying the sweetness of it and the scent.

She was panting when I came back up to her.She looked over at me with those beautiful brown eyes, murmuring \Thanks,\ She raised her voice. \I needed that. Like you need this.\

She sank down to the large tent in my boxers, pulling them down and rubbing my dick. She opened her mouth and pretended to suck but pulled away at the last second. I shook my head. Karma\'s a bitch.

Jenny moved her head down again, only this time actually going to the tip of my dick and down. She sucked hard, only pulling up to get a little air and going back down. She went to the base of my cock and moved her hair back so I could see her open her mouth some more, and stick her tongue out to lick on my scrotum.

\Ohhh yes. Right there.\ I moaned.

The feeling was incredible. The warmth and wetness of it and the hard suction. God it was amazing! I felt my balls tingle, and began to moan. \Oh Jesus! Here it comes.\

She began to suck harder than before and my legs bucked as I shot my first rope of cum into her mouth. The pleasure was incredible as she continued sucking on my head and swallowing the rest of the cum. She finished by cleaning off my dick and sucking on the head of my cock, which was now alot more sensitive.

She came up and rubbed my chest. \That was incredible!\ I told her.

\Thanks\ She said with a grin. She raised her eyebrows and kissed me. I kissed back ignoring my own taste.

When I pulled away I lipped the words \I love you\ To my girlfriend. I was glad for this day. She replied with an \I love you too\ and I turned off the light. I fell asleep satisfied and happy as can be.

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